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We operate a formal complaints procedure and a copy is available upon request.  We are also a member of The Property Ombudsman Scheme for estate agents (TPOS) and follow the Code of Practice.

Any complaints about the Services can be made in writing and sent via email to

What will happen next?

  • We will send you an email acknowledging receipt of your complaint within 3 working days of receiving it.
  • We will then investigate your complaint. This will normally be dealt with by the customer relations manager who will review your file and speak to the member of staff who dealt with you. A formal outcome of our investigation will be sent to you within 15 working days of sending the acknowledgement.
  • If at this stage, you are still not satisfied you should contact us again and we will arrange for a separate review to take place by the office manager.
  • We will write to you within 15 working days of receiving your request for a review, confirming our final viewpoint of the matter.

Your may refer your complaint to The Property Ombudsman within twelve months of receiving our final viewpoint letter, including any evidence to support your case.

The Property Ombudsman
Milford House
43 – 53 Milford Street

01722 335 458